October  2024 70
ICA年度雙語論文ICA Annual Bilingual Paper
The Impact of Self-Disclosure on Psychological Well-Being Among Social Media Users in Taiwan
作者 樊一寧、羅文輝、張博翰
Author Yining FAN, Ven-Hwei LO, Bohan ZHANG
關鍵詞 社群媒體、自我表露、社會支持、社會資本、心理幸福感
Keywords social media, self-disclosure, social support, social capital, psychological well-being
摘要 本研究探討社群媒體上的自我表露行為對台灣民眾心理幸福感的影響,並分析社會資本與社會支持對自我表露與心理幸福感之間關係的前置影響與中介效應。本研究的數據來自台灣傳播調查資料庫第三期第二次的調查資料,以台灣的2,075名受訪者為研究對象。研究結果顯示,契結型社會資本和橋接型社會資本是自我表露和社會支持的重要預測變項。此外,社會支持會中介影響自我表露與生活滿意度之間的關聯,也會中介影響自我表露與孤獨感之間的關聯。
Abstract This study examines the impact of self-disclosure behaviors on the psychological well-being of Taiwanese individuals, the antecedent influences of social capital, and the mediating effects of social support on the relationship between self-disclosure and psychological well-being. Data used in this study were derived from the second wave of the third phase of the Taiwan Communication Survey, involving 2,075 Taiwanese respondents. The findings reveal that both bonding and bridging social capital are significant predictors of self-disclosure and social support. Additionally, social support mediates the relationship between self-disclosure and life satisfaction and the relationship between self-disclosure and loneliness.


Citation of this article:
Fan, Y., Lo, V.-H., & Zhang, B. (2024). The impact of self-disclosure on psychological well-being among social media users in Taiwan. Communication and Society, 70, 185–239.
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
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