October  2024 70
研究論文Research Articles
Knowledge Graph, Evolutionary Patterns, and Future Prospects for Researching Health Issues in Online Health Communities: A Visual Analysis Based on SSCI Literature
作者 聶靜虹、左翊廷
Author Jinghong NIE, Yiting ZUO
關鍵詞 網路健康社區、知識圖譜、學術脈絡、文獻計量法、可視化分析
Keywords online health communities, knowledge graph, academic patterns, bibliometric approach, visual analysis
摘要 作為一項互聯網健康傳播實踐活動,網路健康社區已成為當今中國廣大病患實現健康自我管理的極為重要的平台。相較於蓬勃發展的健康傳播實踐,中國有關方面的研究顯得滯後和匱乏。為借鑒和吸收國際先進研究成果,並對該領域進行有效的融合與創新,研究者主要採用文獻計量法並結合主題分析法,對傳播學國際重點期刊關於網路健康社區議題研究的科學知識圖譜和學術演進脈絡進行研究,發現其主要研究圍繞傳播形式變革、依託平台、健康信息傳播、性別健康、健康傳播實踐等七個主要熱點話題展開,並依據時間線將議題研究的學術脈絡分為「Web 1.0時代對網路健康社區功效的探討」、「社交媒體時代對網路健康社區參與用戶和傳播信息的研究」以及「智能媒體時代對網路健康社區運行機制的探討」三個主要發展階段。研究發現,關於網路健康社區的傳播學探討理論扎實、內容廣泛,但也存在側重實證研究、基礎理論研究不足等缺陷。文章最後在述評基礎上對該議題的未來研究方向進行了展望。
Abstract As an emerging practice in the field of internet health communication, online health communities have become essential platforms for extensive patient engagement in self-managed healthcare across China. Despite vigorous developments in the practical application of health communication, Chinese research in this area seems to lag, marked by scarcity and delay. Researchers have primarily used bibliometric and thematic analyses to assimilate international advancements and foster effective fusion and innovation within the discourse. This scholarly inquiry, documented in prominent journals of communication studies, has yielded an intellectual landscape that predominantly encompasses seven central themes, including the transformative nature of communication models, platform reliance, health information dissemination, gender-specific health considerations, and health communication practices. The scholarly trajectory of topic research can be divided into three phases: explorations of the efficacy of online health communities during the dawn of Web 1.0, investigations of user engagement and information dissemination during the social media era, and inquiries into the operational mechanisms within intelligent media-driven health communities. It was found that scholarly exploration within communication studies of online health communities is grounded in sound theory and breadth but tends to rely on empirical methods, highlighting a shortfall in foundational theoretical research. This paper concludes with prospective directions for future research, building on a critique of the existing scholarly narrative.

聶靜虹、左翊廷(2024)。〈網路健康社區議題研究的知識圖譜、演進脈絡與前景展望 —基於SSCI相關文獻的可視化分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第70期,頁23–58。

Citation of this article:
Nie, J., & Zuo, Y. (2024). Knowledge graph, evolutionary patterns, and future prospects for researching health issues in online health communities: A visual analysis based on SSCI literature. Communication and Society, 70, 23–58.
No.69  2024 July
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